Be where your customers are with digital marketing. Discover a guide to reach more people and grow your business

You don’t exist. If your business isn’t in the digital space, unfortunately you will not be seen. You need to be where your customers are. How does Phillipe Kotler, an American marketing author, consultant, and professor emeritus, say some of the most important things to brand marketing: “The most important thing is to anticipate where your customers are going and get there first.

This list will guide you through the path of digital marketing, enhancing the reach of your business:

1.Know who is your persona

2.Make online advertising

3.Create relevant content

4.Have a social media

5.The power of organic traffic (SEO)

6.Improve your customer service

7.Bet in video

8. Find Influencer Marketing

9.Building Partnership

10.Word of mouth marketing (WOMM)

10 Tips of digital marketing to get more customers

Where do I start? Modern businesses use at least these 10 tips to give good results and ROI (Return of Investment).

1.Know who is your persona

More than an audience, digital marketing uses the persona to define your segmented audience. An audience itself is broad, nonspecific and generalist, while a persona is more segmented, specific and personalized. 

A persona is fictitious, and to build it you need to define a name, behavioral traits, motivations, demographic data and it’s needs and pains. With a well-defined persona, your company’s marketing strategies will be more accurate, and you will see more solid results. It will be easier to connect with their pain and present yourself as the right solution.

2.Make online advertising 

You have probably seen online ads on Google, Instagram, Facebook and individual websites. This type of advertising is delivered via automated software systems. They are programmed by an ads´professional who has relevant data on the audience segment of a specific market.

For example, if you have a coffee shop in a tourist town, your online ads will appear to people with this interest and that is geographically close to your business.The better way to work with online ads is to hire a specialized digital marketing professionals that has a great awareness about the area and the regulation. 

3.Create relevant content

Before you start selling your products or services, it’s important to get noticed and build authority with your audience. Relevant content allows you to be an authority in your field.

If you understand your customers’ real pain points and needs, you’ll create content that reflects how you can help them. That way, your brand will build connections and trust with them.

There are many types for content marketing – ebooks, videos, blog post, courses, etc. But before choosing what types you want to make, you have to learn about the preference of your audience by testing the options out and analysing the data provided by the test. If you don’t know how to do it, don’t worry. We are here to help, ask for a quote here.

4.Have a social media 

For integrated communication, the media planner of your business must include social media. If you already have a website and create relevant content, it’s time to have your own social media market. It can be found on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Youtube, etc. What really matters is to know where your public is and choose the best for your market. 

The benefits to have a strong social media are:

  • Build a brand for your business
  • Grow your following
  • Improve interaction with audience
  • Generate sales

In fact, the success of your social media depends on a social media calendar, because you need to be consistent. Make sure that your brand content is relevant and high quality, this way you can build a consistent and loyal basis for your business.

Download a social media calendar for free here!

5.The power of organic traffic (SEO)

The main method for finding information online is to use the search button. For your site to be the first founded on Google there is a specific way and many techniques used along with a consistent and very well analysed strategy.

To make your content brand visible and easily accessible, marketing experts use a tactic called SEO or Search Engine Optimization. This technique works by choosing certain terms and keywords that suit your business area and many other variants, such as: links, web structure, social media mentions and more.

This is a organic traffic, SEO is not paid, but your content has to strictly follow these rules:

  • Use correct keywords
  • Organize site structure
  • Use backlinks relevance and others

You can learn more about SEO here.

6.Improve your customer service

How customer service helps businesses grow? A functional customer service knows the customer’s expectation, helps reduce friction and gives more satisfaction to employees and customers. 

Investing in customer service will bring to your business more ability to retain customers and talented employees. And another winning point, this tactic will increase your reputation´s business. A good relationship with your customers could make them brand advocates, which will help spread the word about your business.

7.Use more of videos

Why use video in digital marketing? Videos are powerful tools for attracting more customers and help them know more about your business, and of course, make more sales.

According to a search of 2022, 83% of business continue to use video as a marketing tool. The power of videos is that they ignite emotion and easily engage us with the content. If people love videos, the search engine of Google loves it too, because of this it’s important to optimize video with SEO practices and make sure they’re mobile friendly.

Videos help customers to understand better what the product or service offers. Videos can help to build trust that defines if the customer will choose your business or not.

8.Find influencer marketing

Pay attention to influencers that best fit with your brand, someone that shares the same values of your business and would normally use your product and service are the most suitable for making marketing partnership proposals.

The right influencers will make good product reviews, sponsored content, content collaborations that contribute to building a strong and trusted brand to business. 

9. Build Partnership 

Another type of partnership will increase your business, besides the influencers, is to build partnerships like a way to amplify your market reach.

Find another business or organization that is open to making collaboration actions with you. Some examples of collaborative marketing include: co-hosting events, creating co-branded content, including a partner´s product in your packages and many other ideas for creating a good relationship that aggregate value to your brand. 

10. Word of mouth marketing (WOMM) 

People trust people, that’s why recommendations from friends or family are so potential ways to define a sales of product or services.

When customers express their satisfaction or experience with a product or service, we call it Word of mouth marketing (WOMM). To WOMM on social media, your business can encourage your customers to post or share comments, repost your content, or use hashtags that connect your content with what the user creates.

Putting these strategies into practice your business will increase your sales and create more opportunities to amplify your brand awareness without an exaggerated cost. 

Continue to learn about how digital marketing can grow your local business, read How to grow the visibility of your business with free resources.

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